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Kerstin lehnt an einem Baumstamm. Im Hintergrund grüne Blätter aus dem Wald.

Mag.ª Kerstin Schachinger

  • PurposeCoach

  • Psychosocial counsellor in training (European Academy for Logotherapy and Psychology)

  • Certified Business Coach (Academy4Excellence Hamburg)

  • Certified Trainer for Adult Education (wba)

  • Studied linguistics (University of Vienna)

  • Wood walker

  • Stand up paddler

Strength lies in tranquility.

About me

Hey, welcome.

As a PurposeCoach and a psychological counselor in training under supervision, I'm delighted to be able to support and accompany you.

Working with me involves creative and mindful methods. Various backgrounds come into play here: aspects from my studies in linguistics (mindful narrative work and biography work), insights from positive psychology by Martin Seligman and the scientific mindfulness teachings by Jon Kabat-Zinn, as well as tools from business coaching (Academy4Excellence Hamburg) and meaning-centered psychological counseling by Viktor Emil Frankl.

In addition to individual coaching, I also offer small group workshops and WoodWalks in and around Graz for individuals or companies. In case you are interested, please feel free to send me a message so I can get to know you or your organisation and find a customized solution.

All in all, I work with a strength-based approach.

Zu lesen ist: "Wir sind gelistet im Ethik Guide" - mit der Ethik Card erhältst du hier Rabatt
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I am looking forward to reading from you.

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Baum an einem Bach, die Sonne scheint, Dunst steigt vom Bach auf.
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